Transparency & Accountability

Why Delaware Needs an Inspector General

The liberties of people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them.
— Patrick Henry, June 5, 1788

Our mission

The Delaware Coalition for Open Government is committed to promoting and defending the people’s right to transparency and accountability in government. We serve as a resource through education and advocacy, and we work to strengthen Delaware’s Freedom of Information Act and its application.

FOIA Resources

DelCOG is a resource for navigating the FOIA system in Delaware. If you are experiencing difficulty gaining access to information from your state or local government, we may be able to help.

FOIA Request Form

Submit a request for public records through the Delaware FOIA Request Form.

Navigating the System

Learn how to navigate Delaware's FOIA system and what your rights are as a citizen.


Read annual reports, op-eds, and other publications from DelCOG and its members.

Join Us

Join DelCOG today to advocate for responsible, accountable, and transparent government. Membership is open to anyone who believes that government of the people, by the people, and for the people should be open to the people.


Join DelCOG and help advocate for honest government.


Get in touch with us about an open government issue.


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